Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Fat Tuesday

It’s Fat Tuesday!

So I got on the scale this morning and damn 133.8 all the chocolate and stress of my flooded basement is taking a toll on my weight...”must break up with M&M’s, must break up with M&M’s. This will be my new mantra till I get back to 130 pounds.

I came home last night to 7 industrial fans desperately trying to dry out my basement, 1 de-humidifier but NO hot water tank. ...oh yea, and no floor! The insurance company was quick to responds to our dilemma ...not so much Enbridge. Rob went and booked a hotel for us so we could at least shower, what a nightmare. I’m home from work today to be at the mercy of the guy with my hot water tank. I’m trying to take advantage of being a prisoner in my own musty smelling home and get some work done. Of course my blog is at the top of my list....it’s sort of therapeutic.

Let’s talk about stress on how it really affects your body. I went to the expert and my make believe Hollywood Boyfriend Dr. Oz (don’t worry Rob has Pami (Pamela Anderson) and he knows all about Dr. Oz and I) LOL. This is what he had to say about Bellyfat & Stress:

When people are under stress, their bodies release high amounts of steroids into their bloodstream in the form of cortisol. In acute stress (a car accident), steroids stick around only briefly. But when you're under chronic stress (a bad marriage), your body needs to find a way to deal with those high levels of cortisol.

So your omentum clears the cortisol steroids because it has receptors that bind to them and can suck them out of the bloodstream (unfortunately, this doesn't necessarily reduce the stress level that you feel). The steroids turbo-charge the ability of omentum to store fat, so your belly fat (and subsequent waist size) become the best surrogate indicator of how well you are really coping with stress (despite what your brain might be claiming). That uptake of steroids throws your body in metabolic disarray by:

1. Making your omentum resistant to insulin so sugar floats around without being absorbed and used appropriately by needy cells, and this— Chronically raises your blood sugar, which damages our tissues;

2. Super-charging your omentum with inflammatory chemicals that destabilize the delicate equilibrium of your hormones;

3. Forcing your omentum to pump high-octane fat directly into your liver—causing your liver to make even more inflammatory chemicals.

Not sure what an omentum is see photo below:


At January 12, 2010 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Terry, Great blog!! Ok, so how do you get rib of that belly fat?

At January 20, 2010 at 3:26 PM , Blogger Dances With Dogz said...

My question exactly "anonymous"... besides eating properly... how can we de"omentum"ize?!


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