Friday, January 21, 2011

January 17th!

January 17th!

This day is special to me as it is my father’s birthday…we call him Big Ern! He has given me a life of love, laughter, fun, and support and also taught me the true meaning of loving Football and sports in general. My father and I have spent more time watching Football together than most father and daughter’s I know. My dad calls me on Sunday at 4:00 pm after our Buffalo Bills play. We either celebrate or kick the can…and let me tell you there has been a lot of kicking the can in the past few years. We are always happy when they beat Miami …that’s our nemesis. BUT, we never give up on our team regardless! I hope he has a special day today and I’m sure glad I got to see you on Saturday and celebrate with you (I love you Papa). On the weekend when I was having lunch with my dad he pulled a photo out of his wallet…it was of him and I when I was a baby. That touched my heart….to think Big Ern still carries this photo with him priceless!

Well it’s half way through the month and I have kept up my 2011 resolution and have been lifting weights 5x days a week, yoga 2x a week (would like 3) and cardio 7x days a week……then I got a Throat Infection so I have not done any exercise since last Thursday  Never fails you get on a good groove with your exercise and then you get kicked back down. Prior to this though I was really feeling the benefit of lifting weights on my body. I will get back there, and my muscles will remember. The worst part though is starting again with the squats and lunges ….if you are a member of our gym you know how painful those stairs are when your legs are hurting lol

My other resolution you didn’t know about was that I gave up sugar for the month of January. I had so much chocolate at Christmas and gained 3 pounds…that’s 10500 calories in chocolate (yikes). Finally, back to my fighting weight but it took hard work and a very strict diet so be patient with your body. Just because you plan in your head to lose weight and start exercising doesn’t mean your body will work at the same pace as your vision. Build muscle, it’s your secret weapon! So day 17 and no chocolate, it’s not easy and temptation is everywhere even in my home. On day nine Pillsbury cookies were made and the smell almost pushed me over the edge but I hung on and now I’m on the other side of the month…I will make it. When I set that type of goal I can do it…I quit smoking 7 years ago Jan 2, 2004…quit eating red meat 5 years ago! You can reach your goals too, just write them down and write down your strategy on how you will reach those goals and tackle one at a time. Just tell yourself you never want day 1 again, it’s usually the worst.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Food Additives ~ CSPI’s Food Safety

On Sunday as I prepared my food for the following few days I wondered which one of my clients would also be planning out their food ...which would mean planning out their success really.

“If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”

I always encourage my clients and friends to buy organics when they can. It has been proven that organic foods have less pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics. Another big problem with our food supply is the harmful dyes and various chemicals. Do you ever look at the ingredients list and ever wondered what the heck some of those things are?

See the attached link and get ready to blow your mind. Don’t hate on vegetables, get use to the idea that you will need to eat this food group FOREVER. This food group is filled with vitamins, minerals and fibre…which all have been proven to ward of many diseases. This has to be the biggest complaint I hear from people is the amount of vegetables that must be consumed on a daily basis. I think the bigger problem is the preparation of these foods...they won’t cut themselves up so you must do the work. But really in the grand scheme of things you must have 20 minutes twice a week to cut up your veggies and get them ready for the days ahead?

Okay, getting off topic….I really want you to read the attached link “Chemical Cuisine”

Food Additives ~ CSPI’s Food Safety

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man” Benjamin Franklin

I love this quote and who doesn’t want to have the opportunity to change the things about themselves we are not pleased with. My 2010 resolution was to take up yoga and be committed to it…meaning I would do it a minimum of 3 times a week. So one year later I did it and it changed everything in my life. I found peace and what it has taught me has helped me through many stressful situations this year. The change in my breathing and experiencing how breathing can bring peace to my body is mind blowing. It has made me more flexible but I realize that I will need to do this for the rest of my life in order to keep my muscles limber. Remember if we are lucky enough not to get a disease as we age what will get us is frailty. Yoga can prevent this from happening and improve your balance, two very important things to consider as we age. I can’t believe the difference of not doing it….and how fast we stiffen up.

I love walking my dogs as my cardio, I live by the lake so being able to go there every day is like therapy for me…I love the water. But now that I’m 46 it is imperative to do lots of weight training, on top of yoga, on top of walking or riding my bike. So for 2011 I will make a bigger commitment to weight training. So far so good for today 

As we age our bodies needs change drastically please be aware what is happening in your body as each decade passes so you can be successful with your own resolutions for this year. Make this your year that you get healthy and find a better you!Wellness in Your 20’s

Your Body – Your body is in peak form and has strong muscles and a fast metabolism. Now is a good time to review your family history and determine what disease you may be predisposed to later in life. Once you recognize the genetics of your parents and grand parents, you can begin to work hard to prevent these diseases. If you are a smoker, now is a great time to give it up.

Your Fitness – Use your youthful body to it’s full advantage. Try lots of different activities and adventures like hiking, climbing and mountain biking. The exercise you gain here is the beginning of your investment in health for when you are much older. Invest in a personal trainer to learn more about how your body works and gain knowledge on exercise safety to ward off injuries to your bones, joints and muscles. Your routine should include 20 – 60 minutes of exercise a day and should focus on weight bearing cardiovascular exercise and resistance training to strengthen your bones and support your immune system.

Your Nutrition – The focus is on healthy weight and the key is a balanced diet. This seems to be a common time where people eat high fat fast foods that fit their fast paced career and lifestyle. Focus on eating enough fruits and vegetables and avoiding the fast food frenzy. Exercise, portion control and healthy choices are the secrets to keeping or attaining a healthy weight.

Your Lifestyle – This time of life brings a focus on careers and relationships. Being an adult brings stress. Remember to maintain consistent exercise as a stress reduction tool and always make time to relax and spend time with friends and family

Wellness in Your 30’s

Your Body – You begin to notice the slightest change in your body’s performance. Some people may notice an increase with body weight because exercise is less frequent. Many men and women are raising a young family and find time to be flying by each day.

Your Fitness – Your youthful metabolism is beginning to let you down. The best way to ward off extra weight is to stay active – exercise is the best medicine. Stay active during pregnancy and focus on raising children who embrace physical activity. The family that plays together stays healthy together. Find innovative ways to fit in physical activity so that it does no fall off the priority list in your busy schedule. Try to accomplish at least 30 minutes of activity each day and include cardiovascular as well as resistance training to keep lean.

Your Nutrition – Whether it is family and / or career being on the go makes eating well a challenge. A well organized nutritional plan will help maintain adequate intake of fruits and vegetables as well as protein to give you the energy you need each day. Eating well is a priority during pregnancy and for children, so remember to feed yourself the fuel you need at every meal. Focus on eating whole foods and avoid all refined and pre-packaged food to keep your body weight maintained.

Your Lifestyle – Life is very hectic now with career, relationships, children and personal expectations to succeed. You may find meditation, visualization and long walks in the woods very helpful to reduce stress. Chronic stress can break down your immune system and your focus on health. Plan time for yourself each day and each week to stay rejuvenated and to maintain your positive attitude.

Wellness in Your 40’s

Your Body – Life may feel like it has settled somewhat, but your body has not. Both men and women begin to notice significant changes in their body’s at this time. Many people begin to see visible signs of aging like thinning hair, gray hair and wrinkles and feel the effects of aging in creaky bones and joints. This is a great time to invest in a full body check up to determine your personal risk for major disease and to set some base line evaluations of your overall health.

Your Fitness – For both men and women, fat storage seems to be more prevalent. Daily physical activity will ward off weigh gain and will maintain a strong cardiovascular system. Daily physical activity will ward of weigh gain and will maintain a strong cardiovascular system. If you are not active to date, now is a great time start and the rewards are great. A moderate intensity exercise plan will give great health paybacks like normal blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, lower resting heart rate and improved respiration. Every minute of activity is an investment in future health – now is the time to invest.

Your Nutrition – Remember the key to weigh management is physical activity and a balanced diet. Do not eat less – eat well and exercise more (don’t let diets tempt you) Focus on portion control and on eating from the food groups at each meal. Healthy food choices like fruits and vegetables give you essential nutrients to support your immune system and ward off illness.

Your Lifestyle – Life does not seem to be any calmer now. While children are growing up and becoming more independent, your career becomes a focus. You may be dealing with an aging parent or a demanding, difficult teenager as well as work related stress. Remember to stay strong and take time for yourself. You can’t continue to help others if you are not well. This may be a great time to find a new hobby, train for a 10K run or search for something creative. Investigate holistic therapies to gain stress relief and maintain balance.

Wellness in your 50’s

Your Body – the investment begins to pay off. Many others around you begin to experience different levels of illness – some severe. Take the time to work with your doctor and holistic practitioner to evaluate your level of health. Both men and women experience some level of major life change at this time with menopause and men with andropause. For many, change brings both physical and psychological stress!

Your Fitness – Exercise and physical activity is still as important as ever. Being active will protect your heart, strengthen your bones, make you feel great and help maintain your balance and flexibility. Your body may not appreciate the same exercises you chose in your 20’s or 30’s so you may consider new exercise choices like walking, water fitness, cycling, yoga and pilates to stay lean and agile. Remember that regular activity is still very important as movement promotes circulation and helps remove toxins and rejuvenates tissues constantly.

Your Nutrition – Eating well can be very valuable at this stage in your life. All the healthy choices you have made over time have built a strong foundation for health and strong immunity. A balanced diet that includes all the important macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and hydration is key to maintaining your health investment. Treat your body well and fill it with fuel that will keep it running like well oiled machine.

Your Lifestyle – Many people experience major “age shock” at the time. This can be from loss of parents, close friends or relatives. Remember to keep balance in your life by searching for fulfilling challenges, hobbies and travel. Many people may be career focused at this time, while others are changing their priorities to enjoying the fruits of their labour with travel, leisure time and self indulgence. Now is a great time to stop and smell the roses.

Wellness in your 60’s and Beyond

Your Body - Your hard work, focused effort and consistent behaviours are paying off. Many around you experience major illness, reduced quality of life and begin to “feel their age”. Your body is healthy, youthful and strong. The key is to keep it that way.

Your Fitness - If you started exercise now, would it help? YES. Your body will always adapt and grow stronger. An exercise plan needs to address your abilities and help to reduce your weaknesses. Activities of daily living are easy for you, but you notice others are slowing down and become less able to do the regular things you take for granted. Use resistance training to maintain your muscle strength and use flexibility exercises to maintain your mobility. You don’t stop moving because your age… you age because you stop moving. Keep the physical activity journey moving forward.

Your Nutrition – Continue to investigate ways to stay healthy through proper nutrition. Try new types of food and keep lots of variety n your food choices. Hydration is important each day to maintain your body’s performance and functions – remember to drink 8 – 1- glasses of water each day. A focus on a balanced diet helps to maintain your investment and will keep you pushing disease away.