The Double Down
Most of you have probably heard about the “Double Down” sandwich that was launched in Canada recently. This is KFC’s newest attempt at trying to kill us prematurely. It is 540 calories, 30 grams of fat and 1700 mg of sodium. It is made up of two breaded boneless chicken breasts, bacon and processed peper jack cheese, sause (what ever that is?)…there is no bun although I’m sure you will need a bun to lap up all that fat. Please do not eat this, ever! In fact, let’s make a pact to not eat fast food ever! Today Rob told me they announced on the radio that 350,000 have been sold so far, what’s up with that? He also made a good point and suggested we go back to calling it Kentucky FRIED Chicken instead of KFC which somehow has convinced everyone this food is okay for you. Very clever marketing!
On a way better note!
One of my clients brought me some Kiwi’s on Thursday but not just our regular green kiwi’s but also gold kiwi’s which to be honest I never even knew existed. Did you know that the kiwi is named the number 1 for nutrition and awarded SuperFood status? Just one serving of kiwi fruit contains more potassium than a banana, the Vitamin C of two oranges, and all the fibre in a bowl of bran cereal – a most amazing fruit.
10 Great things about Kiwi’s!
1. Vitamin C - One serving of kiwifruit has 240% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C! This flu-fighter also wards off the effects of aging and stress, and powers up the immune system.
2. Fiber - Rough makes you smooth – two kiwifruit contain more fiber than a bowl of bran cereal. Fiber promotes
a healthy heart, regular digestion, and helps lower cholesterol levels.
3. Potassium - A serving of kiwifruit has more potassium than a banana. A great fit for active lifestyles, potassium
maintains fluid and electrolyte balance and releases energy during exercise.
4. Low Glycemic Index - Kiwifruit is an excellent addition to any weight-conscious diet as well as being diabetes friendly. With a low glycemic index (52), this low-fat, low-carb fruit makes a satisfying snack.
5. Antioxidant - Kiwifruit is an antioxidant all-star! Antioxidants attack free radicals and harmful by-products in your body, reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.
6. Folate - Kiwifruit contains close to 10% of the recommended daily value of folate, vital for the health of mother and child during pregnancy, and for the prevention of birth defects.
7. Magnesium - Two kiwifruit have a healthy 30 mg of magnesium, which powers up energy levels and improves nerve and muscle function.
8. Lutein - This phytochemical found in kiwifruit helps to prevent age-related blindness and protect eyes against environmental stress and high-energy light.
9. Zinc - Important for boys and men because it helps produce testosterone. Everyone else needs the zinc in kiwifruit for healthy hair, skin, teeth and nails.
10. Vitamin E - Kiwifruit is one of the few low-fat sources of this potent cleanser and antioxidant. It also helps to lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.
I stopped writing my blog just now and went to try the gold kiwi and it was amazing more tropical fruit tasting – sweet, like a mango. Then I ate the green one and now I’m so full…all that fibre. Did I mention I shared both with my dog Lexi, she seemed to enjoy both ;) LOL
My mom told me a good story on Thursday evening. Mom always takes the stairs where she lives; she lives on the 3rd floor. This is terrific and so good for her leg strength and of course her cardio. She told me she bumped into another woman on the staircase that day and she was 93 years old!!!! I thought it was an encouraging story and it just shows you are never too old to exercise - which brings me to my next point, you can’t join a gym for 3 months or 6 months… this is forever people, this is just something you have to do all the time and some how you just have to carve it into your day... every day. 45 minutes of exercise release 6 HOURS of those feel good hormones in your brain….and who doesn’t want to feel good and look better!
Happy Halloween Everyone!
AMEN Terri - Keep Blogging I enjoy reading them.
Happy Halloween -
Take Care
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